Demonstration Guidance

To ensure a smooth and engaging session, please follow the guidelines provided below:

Demonstration Format:

  • Each presenter will host a dedicated space which will include a Laptop, HDMI Cable, TV screen, tables, and chairs.
  • Each presenter will have 5 minutes to share their initiative, project, provocation, or thought piece.
  • After all presenters have shared, we will begin a 30-minute rotation of discussions, with each discussion lasting between 5-8 minutes.
  • The session will conclude with a 10-minute plenary led by the session chair.
  • You are encouraged to use the 5 minutes to provide an overview of your initiative and the 30-minute discussion element to demonstrate your initiative to small groups. During the demonstration delegates will have the opportunity to ask you questions.

Demonstration guidance:

  • It is recommended to focus on the content of your presentation rather than spending time on introductions.
  • Use this time to showcase and explain your work effectively.
  • The session will include 2-3 other presenters in addition to yourself.
  • A strict timing policy will be enforced to maintain the session's schedule.

Technical Requirements:

  • Poster display facilities will not be available for this session.
  • Prepare up to 3 digital slides to accompany your presentation.
  • You have two options for sharing your presentation: a) Bring your presentation on a memory stick and use the provided laptop. b) Connect your own laptop to the TV screen using the provided HDMI cable.
  • TV screens will be available to display your content effectively.

Session Support:

  • The session chair will introduce you and ensure the session runs smoothly according to the schedule.
  • They will help keep the session on track and manage transitions between presenters and discussions.
  • An EFYE Conference assistant will be present in the room to provide support and assistance with any technical or logistical needs you may have.

Participant Engagement:

  • Keep in mind the diverse audience attending the international conference. Delegates are from various regions, including Europe, North America, Australasia, Africa, and Asia.
  • Explain any acronyms or specialized terms used in your presentation to ensure clarity and understanding among the participants. Adapt your language and terminology to accommodate the different contexts and educational systems represented by the attendees.
  • The conference delegates encompass a wide range of roles, including academic/faculty, educational developers, professional service/student services, students, and student organizations.

The demonstration session will be held in the following room: 

Show and Tell

By adhering to these guidelines, you will contribute to a successful and engaging demonstration session at the EFYE Conference. We appreciate your participation and wish you all the best with your presentation.