To start EFYE 2023, delegates are invited to attend a 2-hour workshop to start the conversations on a wide range of topics covered within this years conference. The 2-hour workshops offering is below:
EFYE: An Orientation Session: An Introduction to the European First Year Experience Conference
Diane Nutt, Higher Education Consultant, England; Will Carey, Loughbrough University, England
Room: 1025
Is this your first EFYE conference? Are you new to debates about First Year Experience? This session will orientate you to the conference, FYE research, and the EFYE movement. Like an orientation session for students it also provides the opportunity to meet other new delegates and talk about shared interests and your aims for the conference.
What challenges do FY students face and how can we support them?
Herman Van de Mosselaer, AP University of Applied Sciences & Arts, Belgium
Room: 3510
What challenges do first students face and how to tackle them? How can we use feedback reports to support them? We explore how diagnostics can help and illustrate this with three feedback reports: the Abertay Discovery Tool, and Kyss and Lemo, tools from AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Finally we focus on the role of the teacher in the classroom who is best placed to prepare students socially and academically for success. We put together concrete tips.
Enhancing First Year outcomes: laying the foundation for students’ agency and success.
David Grey, UK Advising and Tutoring (UKAT), UK; Oscar van den Wijingaard, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Room: 2521
Discover how advising and related activities can be considered teaching and learning, which equips students to attain outcomes that help them write the story of their education and future. Explore how these outcomes lay the foundations for success within and beyond HE, which starts from the first year.
Supporting staff in developing blended learning content and delivery, especially for students transitioning into university
Julie Blackwell Young, Abertay University, Scotland; Scott Cameron, Abertay University, Scotland
Room: 3511
This workshop will introduce the approach adopted by Abertay University in supporting staff to produce blended learning content with a focus on student activity and experience. The workshop will outline Abertay’s approaches and workshop participants will then work through the framework in terms of their own context engaging in discussions and sharing of practice ideas with other participants.
Creating personal insights - a student-facing dashboard
Pieterjan Bonne, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, Belgium
Room: 2522
What do we do with the data we have? And how do we return them to students? In this workshop we discover and try to design student-facing dashboards to improve student success, retention and well-being.
EFYE Pre Arrival & The Student Journey
Emily McIntosh, University of West of Scotland, Scotland; Suzanne Daly, University of West of Scotland, Scotland; Nina Anderson-Knox, University of West of Scotland, Scotland; Michelle Morgan, University of East London, England; Nicola Watchman-Smith, Teeside University. England; Nurun Nahar, University of Bolton, England; Glenda St John, EvaSys, England
Room: 3508
This interactive workshop focuses on the importance of understanding our students’ prior educational and social experiences, in order to best support their transition into university and to support and facilitate their journey into and through higher education.
Enhancing the student learning experience: using dialogue and partnership to engage first year students.
Justin Walker, sparqs (student partnership in quality Scotland), Scotland; Simon Varwell, sparqs (student partnership in quality Scotland), Scotland
Room: 1026
How can dialogue and partnership involve first year students in shaping their learning experience? This highly participative workshop explores how sparqs’ widely used Student Learning Experience tool can be used to build effective dialogue and partnership with first year students.