Parallel Session 3

Wednesday 28th June, 11:00 - 12:00

Parallel 3.1 (Show and Tell), Room 3508

How to arrange/use a highly structured VLE to support flexible learning, transferable skills and peer-to-peer learning

Patricia Perlman-Dee, University of Manchester, England

This Lightening Talk will discuss how course directors can use the VLE (Blackboard) to provide clear direction and guidance for students, but at the same time provide for a flexible learning environment.

UCC Skills Centre: Dialogues Of Student Engagement And Design: Four Case Studies

Kathy Bradley, University College Cork, Ireland; Eadaoin Regan, University College Cork, Ireland

This Show and Tell will focus on the UCC Skills Centre's collaborative work with the four colleges in University College Cork. For the 22/23 academic year, we designed academic skills programmes to meet the needs of each student which have been integrated as part of core modules across the following disciplines: Business & Law, Medicine & Health, and the College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences.

Supporting Programme Leaders to Enhance the First Year Experience

Julie Blackwell Young, Abertay University, Scotland; Martha Caddell, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland; Christine Haddow, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland; Kimberley David, University of Glasgow, Scotland

Developed through cross-sector collaboration and a survey of programme leaders in Scotland, this manifesto sets out what higher education institutions can do to support programme leaders, who have a pivotal role in the first year experience. Our session aims to solicit feedback from delegates across the world, with an interest in programme leadership support.

Parallel 3.2 (Show and Tell), Room 3011

Orientation and tutoring that boost a sense of community towards social integration into the university

Outi Tikkanen, University of Eastern Finaldn, Finland; Niina Rissanen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland

The presentation describes practices in the new students’ orientation and explains how orientation and peer tutoring support the collaborative start of studies at the University of Eastern Finland.

From professional to student language - Translating the university with the cooperation of staff and students.

Erika Koncz, University of Szeged, Hungary; Anna Kovacs, University of Szeged, Hungary

From students to students - Student involvement is the key to achieving the highest possible student satisfaction. Students ambassador programme is a great tool to help administrative staff to have new ideas and to develop the most suitable communication for students so that professional knowledge and student experience can meet.

Culture Shock in HEI environment

Patrik Foltýn, Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic

New international students who move to a new country for their studies usually tend to face Culture Shock. This can negatively influence their academic performance. But do they have a chance to prepare themselves and minimize the Culture Shock in this crucial moment of their studies?

Parallel 3.3 (20-Minute Presentation), Room 3511

The Impact of Early Alert Participation on First Year Student Retention into the Second Year

Katelynn Carter-Rogers, St. Franics Xavier University, Canada; Amy McAvoy, Saint Mary's University, Canada; Steven Smith, Saint Mary's University, Canada; Vurain Tabvuma, Saint Mary's University, Canada; Tracey MacDonald, Saint Mary's University, Canada

We investigate whether an Early Alert system impacts student retention. We find that students who participated in Early Alert were more likely to be enrolled as students the following fall than students who did not. This remained consistent for students with multiple reports if they engaged at least once.

Preparing the use of learning analytics dashboards in higher education: Is it opportune to confront a student with the study behaviour of peers? ​

Olaf Spittaels, AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp, Belgium

The research project LAP!, aimed on the relevance of learning dashboards, is based on different actions: a user survey, a database analysis, focus group discussion on dashboard preferences, a think aloud study on dashboard prototypes and an eye tracking study. The results provide guidance for the implementation of learning dashboards but raises also an interesting question about confronting students with peerbehaviour.

Parallel 3.4 (20-Minute Presentations), Room 3511

'Smells like team spirit': working in partnership with students to shape and support university transitions

Ellen Pope, Aston University, England; Mark O'Hara, Aston University, England

This workshop showcases our experience of working in partnership with students to support successful transitions. Focusing on our peer mentoring initiatives and peer assisted learning (PAL) programmes, we share the outcomes of evaluation demonstrating the impact such partnerships can have on student learning and the student experience for those involved as mentors, PAL Leaders, and programme participants.

10 Lessons from 10 Years of Teaching a FY Seminar at a Public U.S. University

Stephanie Cox, Boise State University, USA

This presentation will give an overview of the 10-year growing pains and successes of a first-year seminar that launched in 2022.  It will be organized in a #1-10 approach describing specific classroom practices that were retained, replaced, or revised. Q & A will focus on sharing attendees’ practices and experiences.

Parallel 3.5 (20-Minute Presentations), Room 2522)

Learner Identity amongst first year ethnic minority commuter students

Kulvinder Singh, Birmingham City University, England

The presentation will focus on findings from research conducted into the motivations underpinning enrolment and expectations of ethnic minority commuter students enrolling onto level four (year 1) of accounting courses at an urban commuter institution. It will explore the saliency of learner identity at this early stage of the academic journey.

How do advanced entry students perceive their transition in and through university within online and blended learning environments?

Andrew Ainslie , Abertay University, Scotland

This presentation explores data gathered through semi-structured interviews with advanced entry students and considers their initial experiences of transition from college as well how they continued to  navigate university during the Covid-19 pandemic.  Insights for the post Covid 19 education landscape will also be included.

Parallel 3.6 (20-Minute Presentations), Room 2521

Peer Support@UHasselt - Creating collaboration between student support services and peers.

Özlem Yalçi, Hasselt University, Belgium; Els Swijns, Hasselt University, Belgium

This session will give participants insight into how Hasselt University creates an institution-wide collaboration between student support services and peers. We will discuss two practices (buddy programme and testimonials in seminars) and how we embed them in our mainstream activities.

Understanding why students fail to submit assignments

Samantha King, University of Northampton, England; Alison Loddick, University of Northampton, England; Tim Curtis, University of Northampton, England; Deepak Bhachu, England

In the UK, failing to submit an assessment at the first submission point is more prevalent among first year students and among black students. A survey of nearly 200 students explored this, using the student voice to provide insights into why this happens and how this can be prevented.

Parallel 3.7 (20-Minute Presentation), Room 2517

Demystifying Higher Education through Dialogue: The Use of Peer Assisted Learning

Rachel Milne, Queen Margaret University, Scotland; Linnea Wallen, Queen Margaret University, Scotland; Karl Johnson, Queen Margaret University, Scotland; Lisa Vettese Cruden, Queen Margaret University, Scotland

Peer Assisted Learning is used at Queen Margaret University as a key provision in both initial and longitudinal induction. This presentation explores the importance of PAL in fostering a sense of community for students and the role dialogue plays in the sharing of experiences and relationship-building between students.

How peer support can positively impact first-year students’ transition into university.

Carly Emsley-Jones, Cardiff University, Wales

The Student Mentor Scheme at Cardiff University has trained over 4,500 student mentors and supported almost 40,000 first-year students with their transition into university. Our evidence demonstrates that peer support can develop positive peer to peer relationships, create a sense of belonging and even limit the potential of withdrawal.

Parallel Session 3 Abstracts

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